The 24 Hour Challenge

It’s funny how Robin Sharma’s email inspire me to some action. It is thanks to one of his notes that I felt inspired enough to wake up early in the morning, and thus discovered the ‘Hour of Power’.

Another one of Robin Sharma’s pointers that stuck was to switch off for 24 hours during a week – pick a day in the weekend and switch off from any work and any email. Now, that one was a toughie. My weekend is typically peppered with dozens of things to do. But, this happened inadvertently this weekend and I can see how liberating it is. I can also see myself switching off on Saturdays from here on in. It needs quite some resolve but will be very positive if I can manage to keep it up. 
A couple of nice things happened this weekend. I finished the Star Wars series this weekend. 5 movies in what was an unusual weekend. I overachieved on my 24 hour away from email and work challenge (haha). In the process, I also found a lot of resolve to finish my book. 
I realized last week that it would take a bit of thinking to solve my ‘writer’s block’. Except this was a block of a different kind. I wasn’t even getting close to the book. Thanks to a long time away from writing, I needed to catch up on the story and there was no way I was going to read it on my computer (e-books don’t work for me). So, I had to get it on my phone so I could read it while traveling. Thanks to Dropbox’s brilliant app, I am now 1 step away from it. All I need now to get a PDF version onto a shared folder. 
I feel liberated at the thought of the idea. I understand now that it’s not the climb up the mountain that wears us out. It’s the pebble in our shoe. And I wasn’t underestimating this one. 
I also realize that I effectively have around 5 weekends to finish my book so as to meet my dream of finishing this year. (I am counting out December for all practical purposes thanks to holidays and expected travel)
Miles to go. But, thanks to a wake up call from Yoda, I realize I must believe..
2 hours to get through a small, but important part of my (very) ambitious weekend list of things to do. And then, the new week shall begin. 
May the Force be with us.. :)

On a different note, Mark Suster has a great post on Lead, Follow or Get the Fuck out of the Way – a post that is worthy of the title. (I’m making no apologies for the language.. :))