On ‘1 thing that gets in our way of being Productive’

This week’s learning draws inspiration from Ready for Anything by David Allen.

David Allen, the famous productivity Guru was once asked for a 1 minute answer on a radio talk show to the question – What is the 1 thing we do that gets in the way of being productive?

His response was telling. ‘It is never 1 thing, but 5 things all wrapped together.’

1. People keep stuff in their head
2. They don’t decide what they need to do, about stuff they know they need to do something about (i.e. deciding a simple next step)
3. They don’t organize action reminders and support material in functional categories (example: grouping admin tasks together)
4. They don’t maintain and review a complete and objective inventory of their commitments (i.e. no collection bin)
5. Then they waste energy and burn out allowing their busy-ness to be driven by what’s latest and loudest, hoping it’s the right thing to do but never feeling the relief that it is (i.e. urgency driven)’

One action step to get started is to create a place called a ‘bin’ to put in all your ideas in 1 place. I use the notes feature on my phone to take down ideas and then use Microsoft OneNote to maintain the collection.

I would highly recommend ‘Ready for Anything’ for an understanding on how our brain works and how we can use this knowledge to get productive, stay inspired, stress free and make a lasting difference!

Here’s to staying productive and stress free this week! :)